Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Gold Standard

Is there a level in the finished work of the lord Jesus Christ that is above every level we have yet been exposed to? My spirit tells me yes… that is the REAL FINISHED WORK ITSELF. We must be wholly convinced that we have been given access to this supernatural truth and state of being. We have been made the righteousness of God. Jesus brought us back to our perfect place in Him. We have been united to and become one with Jesus Christ our Lord. To believe this is the first step to walking this out. When you believe a thing, you set your expectation to line up with that which you believe. For instance, if you wrongly believed that God sends sickness your way to prune you and make you a stronger person, then you will expect sickness to be a part of your life and you will embrace it when it comes your way, and expect it to have it’s work in you.
When you truly believe you have been made the righteousness of God in Christ…I mean TRULY BELIEVE, then you will expect the perfection of God to flood your life. This is the higher level that I am talking about, to expect to become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself!! What if we as believers make up our minds that we are going to believe the Word of God? What if we believers really allow the Holy Spirit to do His transforming work on our minds? “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” What if we believers really allow this to happen………Let it be!! Let it be!!
You may be saying…”That is what we are in the process of doing”. What I’m talking about though is a level above what you have believed so far. How would it feel to be talking and walking with Jesus on the road to Emmaus as an equal? When I say equal I mean equal in understanding, equal in access to the supernatural realm, and equal in your authority over all circumstances? Jesus was not subject to any of the circumstances in this natural realm. Nothing could affect Him. He walked in the spirit realm and had mastery over the entire natural realm. I’m talking about being equal to that…in the here and now!!!
I believe the Word of God clearly shows us that this is how it should be. The perfect finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ has granted us this right. We must believe this though if we are to walk it out. We must internalize it until it is what animates every cell of our being.
I would like to share something that I have seen so much more clearly than previously. Years ago I had seen this in the Word and shared it with friends. I have now seen it at a much higher level and I’ll try to explain.
First, the scripture: John Chapter 16:33
I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]

When I had shared this years ago my take on it was this. I believe that Jesus was telling us that He had made it possible to be in a place, (a place that was in Him) where we would not deal with the trials and tribulation that was inevitable in the world. Jesus clearly says here that we are to be of good cheer…………….good cheer? Why?…aren't we going to be facing trials and tribulation? I believe Jesus was telling us that we could choose to be in a place, (that place that He created) where we would not be affected by anything in the world. How can sickness be a trial or a tribulation if it cannot touch you? How can anything be a trial or tribulation if… “No weapon formed against us shall prosper”…if it can’t prosper, and can’t harm us………… weapon…nothing!!! Then how can you call it a trial or tribulation that affects you?
Now that’s a pretty high level. To believe you can walk this earth totally untouchable by any of the circumstances that afflict most of the world, but isn’t that exactly what the Word of God tells us? If we are overcomes……….what are we overcoming? And if we overcome circumstances than they do not overcome us and therefore we are not subjected to them and we can… “Be of Good Cheer”…can’t we?
Well can we take this a little deeper? We all know about the Fire of God, and we talk about it burning out all that is not of God. All of the bad, the fallen nature of man. That is what God’s purifying fire is all about. Purifying us, but what part of US is it purifying? Could it be that we are mixing the true us with that which needs to be burned away. Let me try to explain, and I pray that what I say next is seen clearly, as clearly as the Holy Spirit allowed me to see it this morning.
When Fire is purifying a thing, the thing being purified is not affected. What I mean by this is, take gold for instance. If you unearth raw gold from the ground it contains some level of impurities. You’re going to use fire to burn the impurities out of it.
You’re going to put all of it into the fire. A really hot fire. You want to consume or burn up all of the impurities. The impurities are what can and will be affected. The gold is unaffected……….it is what is left behind. The fire never really touched the gold…(the real US)…(I think of the Shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. They did not even smell of smoke) the fire affects the impurities it doesn’t affect the gold, (the real us).
Why then do we expect to feel the effects of the fire? Could it be that we have wrong expectations, wrong belief if you will. The fire of God, the Holy Spirit, is dealing with impurities, it is not dealing with the true us, (the righteous of Christ, the inner man) and the fire does not touch that perfect gold! That perfection of God is untouched by the fire and after the impurities are gone it is only the perfection of God that is left behind, (which was there all along). Untouched by the fire, but shinning brighter than ever before…because all that can be seen is the perfect righteousness of God unmarred by any impurities.
We have been made the very righteousness of Christ (Gold)! That is a done deal…….an unalterable truth. That Gold cannot be touched…GLORY TO GOD. Let the impurities be burned away, I welcome that……………..but those impurities are not the REAL ME. I am not those impurities and I choose not to be connected to them. Let the fire burn out the impurities for it does not touch the GOLD (the inner man).
So what do you do with the trials and fires that seem to be so real? Give them no place. Jesus said that “the prince of this world comes but he has no place in me” Ignore them!! That’s right, ignore the things that are not true about you according to His Word, and FEED upon the Truth of God until that Truth overwhelms the things that are in the natural.
Do not embrace the lies of this natural sense realm. Paul reminds us “to give no place to the devil” whatever you want to call the devil……………I say give that no place!!
Embrace your Christ Life in the NOW!Expect God’s Gold Standard for your Life!